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Ihre Sicherheit ist ausschlaggebend für die Willis Casino.
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Kein Spieler will sich um die Sicherheit ihrer persönlichen Daten und, noch wichtiger, für die Sicherheit ihrer Einlagen und Entnahmen zu kümmern.
Wir bieten das Spielerlebnis sicherer und zuverlässiger Markt, werden Ihre Daten zu 100% vertraulich behandelt werden.


All of our users information is protected in a secure environment where only Willis Casino has exclusive access. This means that any information is online without having been encoded. This protects Willis Casino website information from being seen outside of the network, while the site is browsed by users.

Willis Casino is authenticated and secured by QuickSSL Certificates, provided by GeoTrust. Click the GeoTrust logo for more details about our setup and QuickSSL certificates that protects your personal and financial information.

An SSL certificate is a digital "passport"credentials, confirming Willis Casino to conduct business on the Internet. When users submit sensible information, such as personal data, address and credit card number, under an SSL certificate, the user's browser validates our digital certificate before establishing an encrypted connection. This protects the information from being seen by others

Our main priority is to ensure the confidentiality of information and transaction security. We use the latest technology to not take any risks during your gaming sessions.

Willis Casino protects your account information from unauthorized access or disclosure. To access your personal information or place bets, users must enter their username and password. Never share your login details with anyone. If you suspect that someone knows your password, you can change it in the Change Password section at any time.

Players sensible information is stored on secure servers, designed to prevent unauthorized access.

Only authorized employees who need this information to complete a specific job, such as: An administrator account billing or customer service agent is guaranteed access to the personal information of our users.

All our employees have updated training on our security policies. The servers that store this information are found in particular places and safe environments.


Willis Casino is committed to protect personal information provided by its users. We work with the latest technologies in the field of Internet security. So we offer a completely safe environment that ensures optimum protection of your personal data and bank details.

Please take a minute to read our privacy policy, dealing with security and respect for confidentiality. This is a contract between you and Willis Casino. The content of this page is subject to change. We recommend you regularly read this Privacy Statement.


Willis Casino handles user data in accordance with the law, data protection acts and / or similar. Willis Casino maintains extreme secrecy with his relationship with all his users.

To unsubscribe from Willis Casino or modify your personal information just send us your request via email to support@williscasino.com support@williscasino.com

In addition to that, please be adviced that can not completely remove all data for technical and legal obligations. Thank you for your understanding.


Our games are monitored and verified by independent third-party companies to ensure honesty and authenticity. All games work with a random number generator (RNG), ensuring no manipulation by the operator or by system users.

One of the main concerns of the operations of online gaming is to ensure integrity in the game.

Willis Casino understands the importance of how to do it:
The "dealer" of Willis Casino is controlled by a computer ensuring total random operational rounds, using a random number generator (RNG, for its acronym in English). Willis Casino uses the trusted MD5 RNG, which provides consistently random results. The system has been rigorously tested in millions of rounds and examining results. Willis Casino also subjected to systematic testing system.

Payments and Random Number Generator (RNG)


What happens if connection interrupts while playing in the Casino?

Unfortunately there may be communication problems on the Internet that could cause sudden disconnections. We have protection firewalls to tackle such problems, to protect our users and our partners for unjustifiable loss, while eliminating the possibility of intentional disconnection and system misuse.

Disconnections policy states: if a partner is disconnected while playing, Casino will automatically notify you can continue the interrupted game upon reconnection. If the member does not receive instructions automatically, you can click the icon for the game which was disconnected to complete.


Communication between Willis Casino and the banks is done through a secure channels. Confidential information is encrypted and travels securely, so that it is inaccessible to third-parties.

Willis Casino manages and maintains adequate funds for payments, chargebacks, withdrawls and other recurring obligations and that capital is adequate for the progress of operations.

Willis Casino execute payments and withdrawals for balances according to the rules established by WillisCasino.com


When playing Willis Casino you can be reasured that your transaction data and any personal financial information are completely safe. Willis Casino uses sophisticated encryption technology public / private RSA to ensure the secure transfer of sensitive data over the Internet. All transactions and personal data are stored on servers protected by the latest firewalls. This means that all financial transactions at Willis Casino are totally secure.

Willis Casino conducts its banking and financial transactions under the standards of internationally recognized banking institutions. Willis Casino is compilant with all anti-money laundering laws

Enjoy Willis Casino, and play in a safe environment.

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